Mizdah Tutorials

How To Use

Here are tutorials giving you a closer understanding to avail all the basic major features of Mizdah

Mizdah web app add contacts
Add Contact

Learn how to add a new contact to your contacts list.

Add Contact
Mizdah web app start meeting
Start Meeting

View the different ways to start your Mizdah meeting.

Start Meeting
Mizdah web app schedule meeting
Schedule Meeting

Schedule a meeting for a future date and time.

Schedule Meeting
Mizdah web app join meeting
Join Meeting

Find out how to join your Mizdah meeting

Join Meeting
Mizdah web app edit meeting
Edit Meeting

Edit meeting details like time, duration, privacy or add participants and more.

Edit Meeting
Mizdah web app delete meeting
Delete Meeting

In case you have a change in schedule delete your meeting.

Delete Meeting

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